Dota 2 Hotkeys For Dota 1


In Dota 2 we can change the default keys and hotkeys of our personal keys by just going to to settings menu. The default keys of abilities is in legacy mode. The legacy keys is the default key of Dota 1, if you are not familiar or particular in ability keys of Dota 1 and you find the legacy keys difficult then you can switch it to QWER mode. Control Groups: 2-5 and Alt3-5. Having all units and all other units on Alt+1-2 allows me to have 2-5 as control groups which I think is very useful for micro intensive heroes (Lycan, Beast, Visage etc.). The Alt groups are mainly a relic from my times as a meepo player. Hotkey Options+Misc. Dota Underlords is an in-depth strategy game which requires lots of interaction with the interface. Luckily you can use hotkeys and shortcuts to let you execute your battle plans more smoothly. Here's a list of all default keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys that you can use in the game. Hero Shop Hotkeys. Invoker is one of the toughest heroes to handle in Dota 2. Miracle, for example, is one of the best Invoker players in Dota 2. This guy nailed Quick Casts on one of the toughest heroes! He made his combos popular among the Dota 2 community by using the Quick Cast feature. Puppy is the best support in Dota 2, because of his pro skills and fast.

HeyGuys can you share your meepo hotkeys config, mine is

1 main meepo
2 all meepo
3 all meepo except main meepo
4 courier
5 courier deliver items
6 courier speed burst

Tab meepo cycle
Abilities qwer
Poof is QC but Earth bind is not QC

Blink = alt+Q and other items

Ps. i saw Abed stream last time he played meepo and he doesnt even use QC on skills and items, he micros meepos manually what a player. HOW?

Dota 2 Hotkeys For Dota 1

1. all meep
2. every1 except meep

F1~F5 each individual meep

to be a better meepo player you gotta get used to manually using them


Yea as i also play naga i usually goes for manual micro on illusions i think i can also apply in on meepo .


@nami , nice i kinda like the idea of f1-f5 each individual meepo im gonna try this out.

>Easy Money.

f1-f5 meepos

5 = all meepos

1 = f1/f2

2 = f3/f4


3 = all other meepos

d = net
e = poof
r = tab

Dota 2 Hotkeys For Dota 10


F1 - main
F2 - All other meepos
F3 - all meepos
X - second + third meepo
C - main + 4th meepo
W - 4th + 5th meepo ( in case of aghs ).

Dota 2 Hotkeys For Dota 10.1


Dota Keys

is it necessary to have buttons for 2nd +3rd and for 4th +5th meepo ? i mean i m learning meepo but all i use is 4 for main meepo and 3 for rest meepos and tab for next unit ! plus i still dont know what are control groups , can any1 explain it to me ?


1 - main meepo
2 - second meepo
3- third meepo
4- fourth meepo
6*- fifth meepo
TAB - cycle between meepos
F - Poof (quick cast)
E - Earthbind (qc)
space - blink dagger (qc)
mouse5 - all meepos except main meepo
x - all meepos except second
z - all meepos except third
< - all meepos except fourth
g5 - second and fourth meepo
g6 - third and fifth meepo
i no longer use last two keys. I used them to split jungle when i bought aghanim for meepo (before 6.88 patch) while i try to find target to blink poof with my main meepo

Dota 2 Hotkeys For Dota 1.6

@Hal abed is a script kiddie

Dota Hotkey Kevin

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